30 SECONDS OF THERAPY: Improving Ankle Dorsiflexion
Jan 16
3 min read

Dorsiflexion is the action of raising the foot upward toward the shin. Certain exercises can help a person improve their dorsiflexion, and help recover from injury.
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0) Paul Drumheller, MPT, OCS, SCS, CSCS The Complicated foot made simple continuED 02/28/2020 https://www.physicaltherapy.com/files/event/cont-3669-contptthecomplicatedfootmadesimple.pdf
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2.) Awatani T, Enoki T, Morikita I. Inter-rater reliability and validity of angle measurements using smartphone applications for weight-bearing ankle dorsiflexion range of motion measurements. Phys Ther Sport. 2018;34:113-120.
3.) Awatani T, Enoki T, Morikita I. Reliability and validity of angle measurements using radiograph and smartphone applications: experimental research on protractor. J Phys Ther Sci.2017;29(10):1869- 1873.
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6.) Hsi W-L. Analysis of medial deviation of center of pressure after initial heel contact in forefoot varus. J Formos Med Assoc. 2016;115(3):203-209.
7.) Kruger KM, Graf A, Flanagan A, et al. Segmental foot and ankle kinematic differences between rectus, planus, and cavus foot types. J Biomech. 2019;94:180-186.